Related Project

Orchestrating an interoperable sovereign federated Multi-vector Energy data space built on open standards and ready for GAia-X
Relying on European common standards, the EU-funded OMEGA-X Project aims to implement an energy data space. This will include federated infrastructure, data marketplace, and service marketplace, involving data sharing between different stakeholders and demonstrating its value for concrete energy use cases while guaranteeing scalability and interoperability with other data space initiatives.
The proposed concept and architecture heavily rely on the approaches adopted by both IDSA (International Data Space Association) and Gaia-X, as major EU references regarding Data Spaces, including also additional references such as FIWARE, BDVA/DAIRO, and SGAM (purely on the energy). The primary goal of its reference architecture relies on deriving appropriate requirements for a sound, secured, and trusted data trading.
Project Coordinator
Atos IT Solutions And Services Iberia