Related Project

ODEON supports the transformation of the energy system from a centralised/fossil-fuel-based to a energy efficient, RES-based and interdependent system. The goal is that yhe system operates with a high degree of flexibility among its distributed assets. To achieve this milestone, the ODEON Project creates an inclusive ecosystem of stakeholders characterized a mesh of Data, Intelligence, Service and Market flows, jointly enabling the resilient operation of the energy system under increased RES integration and distributed flexibility.
ODEON introduces a sound, reliable, scalable, and openly accessible federated technological framework for the delivery of a wealth of services addressing the complete life-cycle of Data/AIOps and their smart spawn in federated environments and infrastructures across the continuum. ODEON guarantees a secure federated data management, processing, sharing and intelligence services, enabling the energy value chain actors and 3rd parties to engage in data/intelligence sharing. This data process will be fed towards the delivery of innovative data-driven and intelligence-powered energy services in accordance to the objectives set by the Digitalising the energy sector – EU action plan.
ODEON results will be extensively validated in 5 large-scale demonstration sites in Greece, Spain, France, Denmark and Ireland involving all required value chain actors, diverse assets, heterogeneous grid and market contexts, and multi-variate climatic and socio-economic characteristics to support its successful replication and market uptake.
Project Coordinator
ETRA Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A. (ETRA I+D)